We are you! All residents and property owners in City Park West are eligible for General Membership in the RNO. Our activities are directed by a volunteer Board of Directors and Members-At-Large, who are responsive to community needs and pressing issues. Board Members serve for a term of 3 years.
Our resources are those that can be raised through fundraising drives, special events, applicable grants, and membership dues.
Membership fees are minimal (and can be voluntarily waived as needed). Membership levels include Free Individual/Household, Paid Individual/Household ($15/yr), and Paid Business ($25/yr). These fees go towards helping us be the most effective, active organization we can be.
Given our commitment to connect with and inform neighbors, liaise with the City, increase community participation, get information out, gather inputs, and be a voice for our diverse and growing neighborhood, there is a cost involved. This small, voluntary annual membership fee signals your engagement and helps support outreach and volunteer recruitment, fundraising, hosting meetings, events, and generally keeping this nonprofit organization running.
Why? Because you love City Park West… because you want to contribute to making our neighborhood as great as it can be… because you want a voice… because you want to understand more about how urban communities work, or about how our City Government works… because you have a special interest and want to volunteer or start a Subcommittee… because you have special skills, like volunteer recruitment or events, and want to pitch in.
What do you have to do? As little or as much as you like. What can you do? Make a difference!