Season’s Greetings and updates
The City Park West RNO met November 19th. Topics were the RNO’s immediate concerns (establishing and publicizing a regular meeting time and place TBD, identifying all current, active board members as part of updating our website; filing for 501C3 status). We also reviewed ongoing local issues and questions and considered our role in facilitating community communication. We set a loose agenda for our first meeting of 2019 (to be held January 16, 6-7 p.m. at the Vine Street Pub, 1700 Vine St, Denver, CO 80206. As the organization is still relatively new, your board is working hard to establish structural foundations while we begin advocating for more frequent and participatory community conversations and stronger relationships among residents, organizations and businesses and our city representatives. We wish you Happy Holidays, however you may choose to celebrate and spend these (surprisingly balmy) winter weeks ahead.