Join us for the annual (virtual) meeting of the City Park West Neighborhood Association.
When: Wednesday, January 27, 2021 at 6PM.
Where: Virtual via Zoom (Instructions Below)
- Welcome
- Update from Councilwoman Candi CdeBaca’s Office, including homelessness and any other CPW information
- Update from Officer Teresa Gillian, Denver Police Department Update for CPW
- Update on City Park Upgrades Jacqueline Altreuter
- Discussion on Engaging Members, Area Captains, Committees Zoning/Land Use, Landmark, Transportation, Safety, Communications.
- Nomination of 2021 Board Members
- Plans for 2021: Written city policy for community involvement, art show, trash pick up day, communication, support our community
Virtual Meeting Instructions:
Zoom Meeting ID 806-189-6818 / Passcode 976843
Contact us with questions at or
send us a message on Facebook.
send us a message on Facebook.