We need you! While our Facebook group indeed currently provides the service of facilitating communication among more than 1,700 neighbors, you might be surprised to learn that City Park West Neighborhood Association Facebook group participants are not de facto automatic members of the RNO! Our board hopes to grow formal CPWNA Association Membership by 1000% in 2020, thereby expanding our reach, our neighborhood voice and our effectiveness.
Individuals, households and businesses all within the boundaries of City Park West are eligible for membership.
Individual/household members signal their engagement in the neighborhood and enjoy great, new relationships and local networking capacity (and the occasional perk at a local shop, restaurant or pub). Individuals/households can join for a nominal $15. annual fee which allows us to produce and publicize neighborhood community-building and informative events, and to undertake fundraising for special projects. Those who cannot afford a paid membership may opt to join for free.
Business Members ($25. annual fee) support the neighborhood, make themselves visible as interdependent upon local neighbors, and may post up to one special event or promotion a month on the CPWNA Facebook page. Business owners in CPWNA are also eligible for board membership.
Members receive newsletters and e-mail notification of neighborhood events, initiatives and impacts; are eligible for board leadership, and may propose, chair or participate in special-interest committees ranging from historic preservation to homelessness; from transportation to the arts.
For more information, click here.