Author: Alyssa Knutson
3rd Annual Youth Art Contest & Showcase
3rd Annual Youth Art Contest and Showcase. Help us celebrate the Colorado Black Arts Festival with the 3rd Annual Youth Art Contest and Showcase! This year’s contest will take place at Scoops Ice Cream (1426 E. 22nd Ave.). Entries are due to Scoops by July 9 at 7PM. Judging will be July 10 at 9:30AM. Stay to watch the parade along 22nd Ave. to celebrate the start of the Colorado Black Arts Festival! Be sure to add contact name and number to your piece of art. Prizes will be awarded! Information on the event on the attached flyer. We are also looking for prize donations from local businesses. Let me know if you’d be willing to contribute.
Recap of Meeting on 2101-2105 Humboldt Street (Jerry’s Nut House/Ace Hardware)
City Park West Neighborhood Association Annual Meeting
Join us for the annual (virtual) meeting of the City Park West Neighborhood Association. When: Wednesday, January 27, 2021 at 6PM. Where: Virtual via Zoom (Instructions Below) Agenda: Welcome Update from Councilwoman Candi CdeBaca’s Office, including homelessness and any other CPW information Update from Officer Teresa Gillian, Denver Police Department Update for CPW Update on City Park Upgrades Jacqueline Altreuter Discussion on Engaging Members, Area Captains, Committees Zoning/Land Use, Landmark, Transportation, Safety, Communications. Nomination of 2021 Board Members Plans for 2021: Written city policy for community involvement, art show, trash pick up day, communication, support our community Virtual Meeting Instructions: Zoom Meeting ID 806-189-6818 / Passcode 976843 Contact us with questions at or send us a message on Facebook.
Be a good neighbor! Keep your sidewalks free of snow and ice.
Be a great neighbor! Everyone enjoys safe, clear sidewalks – and it’s everyone’s responsibility to keep the sidewalks adjacent to their home or business clear and accessible. Shovel all sidewalks, wheelchair ramps, and bus stops around your home as soon as it’s practical and safe. Businesses have 4 hours after the snow stops to shovel, and residents have 24 hours. (RTD only shovels bus stops that have a shelter. If it’s just a sign with no shelter, the resident/business is responsible for this sidewalk.) Show kindness and offer to help your neighbors if they aren’t able to shovel! Neighbors helping neighbors is one of the things that makes Denver great. You can volunteer to be an official “snow angel” at or just do a #NeighborCheck. There are all sorts of reasons why people may need assistance, or they may just not know what the city’s rules are for keeping sidewalks clear. A simple conversation with a neighbor or just lending that helping hand will almost always resolve a snowy sidewalk faster than the city can, and it will preserve city resources for the rest of Denver’s 3,000 miles of sidewalks. Tips: Use the shovel to push the snow; don’t lift it. Shovel early! When snow isn’t shoveled, it gets packed down and becomes ice. Shoveling all the way to the pavement will also prevent ice from forming. Shovel into your yard, so the snow plow doesn’t push it back onto your sidewalk. Shovel away from roadways and bike lanes, so plows don’t push the snow back onto your sidewalks. Salt can be damaging when it runs off into your lawn or the storm sewer with the snowmelt. Look for ecofriendly and pet-safe deicers. Be proactive and come up with a plan for addressing sidewalks now, before it’s snowing.
Reminder of Monthly CPWNA Board Meeting
The City Park West Neighborhood Association’s April meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 15, 2020 at 5:00 PM. IMPORTANT NOTICE ON MEETING LOCATION: We will be holding our monthly meeting by conference call this month. To attend the virtual meeting, please use the instructions below: VIRTUAL MEETING LOG-IN INSTRUCTIONS Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 806 189 6818 One tap mobile +16699006833,,8061896818# US (San Jose) +13462487799,,8061896818# US (Houston) Dial by your location +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 646 876 9923 US (New York) +1 253 215 8782 US +1 301 715 8592 US Meeting ID: 806 189 6818 Find your local number: Agenda Items: Approval minutes Thank you to health care recap Treasurer Report – budget, Secretary of State Communications – Facebook, Website, Member Planet (welcome email and how to use to build membership and communication) Increase in board members, Tom Werge as pro-bono attorney DPD Update Zoning Update – ECAP and Area Captains Landmark Committee Update – Tony Ps and 22d and Lafayette, written policies Transportation Committee Update Other Business
Update on 777 E. 17th Avenue (aka Dome Bar, JRs, Tony Ps)
Update on 777 E. 17th Avenue (aka Dome Bar, JRs, Tony Ps) On Friday, April 3, 2020 a phone conference was held related to the application for a Certificate of Demolition Eligibility for 777 E. 17th Avenue (also known as the former Dome Bar, JRs and Tony Ps) between a group of RNO representatives (CHUN, Uptown on the Hill, City Park West), Historic Denver, and the owners of the building. The discussion centered around three general areas of concern, which included: Generally, the group wanted to ensure that design quality of a potential future development was compatible with the neighborhood. Concerns with design of adjacent buildings was mentioned and the hope that any future development complements the Uptown/North Capitol Hill neighborhood. The potential demolition of buildings without having a development already approved and building permit released was identified as a concern. Some RNO representatives stated that a potential compromise on this would be to come to an agreement to delay demolition until a building permit is received. General discussion on the potential of incorporating the building into the development. The importance of preserving the building seems to be along a spectrum, with some representatives expressing a strong interest in preventing demolition or having the building incorporated into the development, and others potentially open to redevelopment once more information about the proposed development is provided. The group learned that the owner is not the developer for this project, and requested a discussion with the developer be scheduled. The conversation concluded with the owner offering to coordinate this meeting to discuss the project plans in further detail. If you have additional questions, you may contact the City Park West Neighborhood Association Board at or through the City Park West Neighbors Facebook group.
Reminder of Monthly CPWNA Board Meeting (Note Location Change)
CPWNA Monthly Board Meeting March 18 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm The City Park West Neighborhood Association’s March meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 18, 2020 at 6:00 PM. IMPORTANT NOTICE ON MEETING LOCATION: We will be holding our monthly meeting by conference call this month. If you were planning to attend the meeting, or would like to attend by conference call, please contact us to provide you information on how to attend remotely. Thank you for your understanding! Agenda Items: 1. Approval of minutes 2. Treasurer Report – bank and debit card 3. Membership, Member Planet, Fundraising Plan 4. DPD update 5. Communications Update – Website, Facebook, brochure, emails, text message 6. Zoning committee update, East Central Area Plan, Group Living Ordinance, 17th and Williams 7. Other business – DA and DE speak at May or June Meeting
Office Hours for the East Central Area Plan
Office hours for the East Central Area Plan have begun. The below information was received from the City & County of Denver on how to schedule an appointment: Along with extending the review period for the draft East Central Area Plan, we are continuing to engage the community in the planning process, particularly those who have not had a chance to participate yet. If you haven’t yet attended a community event or commented on the draft, sign up to talk to our planners at one of several sessions of community office hours. Carla Madison Recreation Center March 10, 2020 – 12:40 p.m. to 8:20 p.m. March 12, 2020 – 1:40 p.m. – 5 p.m. March 17, 2020 – 12:40 p.m. – 8 p.m. Denver Central Library March 11, 2020 – 12:20 p.m. – 5:40 p.m. March 24, 2020 – 2:20 p.m. – 7:40.p.m. Colorado Health Foundation March 25, 2020 – 12:20 p.m. – 8:20 p.m. Sign up for an appointment
Update on 1848 Gaylord Ave. Zoning Request
Open Meeting Held March 9, 2020 6:00 pm at Saint Marks Coffee 2019 E 17th Flyers and open meeting information was placed on Facebook and Nextdoor. In attendance 3 people two of which was the owner and her daughter who will live at the property and run the day care center. The proposal is to operate a 12 child center with 2 under 2 years old. The drop off and pick up will be at the rear of the property The owner runs a center in Congress Park which will move to this facility. Currently, six of their clients are East High teachers. There was no opposition to this request.